Monday, January 30, 2017

Things to Check on a Car Before a Road Trip


If you do not like getting late at an appointment or stuck down the road as a result of automobile breakdown. Here are the things you need to check before driving your vehicle. Do this preferably before you begin your day:

Checking Outside the Vehicle

• Check if the tires are inflated properly. It would be better if you are using a pressure gauge. Regardless, simply examine if the pressure is noticeably low in all the tires. Also, it is better and safer to check them every two weeks and re-inflate them to their ideal pressures, including the spare tire.

  • Check underneath your vehicle and even at the top. Stray cats and dogs might even be there. There is actually no need for an explanation for this one.
  • If you are one of the people who often park their vehicles in public parking spaces, then you are definitely aware of the unwanted pamphlets and ads that are purposely stuck under the mirror housings, door-handles, wiper blades, just about anywhere. Needless to say, check for them before you get in your car.

Checking Inside the Vehicle

  • Examine and adjust the position of the seat as well as the rear view mirrors. Having a comfortable driving position is absolutely necessary while driving.
  • See if the car headlights, A/C, along with other electronics are shut off before turning on your engine. Most likely, your vehicle will start without any trouble even if they are on, but they can affect the life of your car battery. And, it could ruin the important electrical wiring in many modern automobiles.
  • As you turn on the ignition, wait for every warning light to illuminate in the group of instruments before you start your car. As soon as you start the vehicle, all of the lights should disappear shortly after, except for the handbrake signal light. In the event that any light stays on such as the battery or oil level indicator, have your car examined from an authorized car service center.
  • Another important thing to do inside you car is to check that all the indicator bulbs or headlamp are functioning perfectly. And although the use of horn has to be minimal, it is still necessary to make sure that it is working properly.

The ideas mentioned above are some of the basic things you need to check both at the interior and exterior of your car, before you begin driving. It is always a good idea to take a few seconds to examine whether your car is in its best condition to travel. All these will help save you some money and make your journey on the streets much safer.